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Superintendent Violates State Law to Help Students

Art Tate, the administrator of state funded schools in Davenport, Iowa, went to a school executive meeting as of late at which he went to a critical choice: he was going to transgress against state law. Tate arrived at the conclusion, he declared at the meeting, after the...

Using Video Instead of Test Scores and Essays for College Applications

Mitchell Moran-Kaplan did the typical drill for a large portion of his school applications. At the same time for Goucher College, the 18-year-old got a computerized cam the previous fall and strove for a commute, gathering footage for a two-moment feature that intended...

California’s Schools VS Common Core Academic Standards

One arrangement of California school guidelines has briefly succumbed to an alternate. California’s school responsibility framework and its new Common Core scholastic principles were put no holds barred on Wednesday, and Common Core won. At a meeting in Sacramento, the state’s...

N.Y. Teacher Tenure Lawsuit May Continue

A Staten Island judge permitted a test to the state’s educator business guidelines to go ahead, decision against the state, New York City, and instructors’ unions that had recorded movements to reject the case. The decision is a specific blow for the unions, which had tried...

Harvard University Sued By Former Professor

A previous Harvard University educator documented a government claim Thursday asserting the school oppressed her as a female worker and denied her residency because of her support for rape survivors. Kimberly Theidon, who was relegated the enriched assignment of the John...

The Need for Students to Have a Tuition-Free Education

President Obama as of late divulged another “Understudy Aid Bill of Rights,” intended to offer “a dream for a moderate, quality instruction for all Americans.” The “Understudy Aid Bill of Rights” is an augmentation of different activities identified with advanced education...

Increasing a University’s Profile Through Packaging and Pricing

  One day I sat down in a Starbucks in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington with Hugh Moren, then a lesser at the adjacent George Washington University. I asked him the amount of cash he was obtaining to attend a university. “Eighty-two thousand dollars,”...